Installation view from  Pieces of Jennifer Melfi, M.D.  at Kimberly-Klark in Queens, New York. September 23 to October 22, 2017.

Installation view from Pieces of Jennifer Melfi, M.D. at Kimberly-Klark in Queens, New York. September 23 to October 22, 2017.

  Dignity , 2016-17. Papier-mâché, cardboard, wood, and twine.

Dignity, 2016-17. Papier-mâché, cardboard, wood, and twine.

  Dignity  (detail)

Dignity (detail)

  Dignity  (detail)

Dignity (detail)

  Dignity  (detail)

Dignity (detail)

  Dignity  (detail)

Dignity (detail)

  Dignity , 2016-17. Papier-mâché, cardboard, wood, and twine.

Dignity, 2016-17. Papier-mâché, cardboard, wood, and twine.

 Installation view

Installation view

  Melfi’s Piece , 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

Melfi’s Piece, 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

  My Manhattan Psych , 2016. Cardboard, papier-mâché.

My Manhattan Psych, 2016. Cardboard, papier-mâché.

 Installation view

Installation view

  Fifth Position , 2016. Linen and stick.

Fifth Position, 2016. Linen and stick.

  Mania , 2016. Linen and stick.

Mania, 2016. Linen and stick.

  Mania , 2016. Linen and stick.

Mania, 2016. Linen and stick.

  Crabwalk , 2016. Linen and stick.

Crabwalk, 2016. Linen and stick.

  Womanspread M , 2016. Cotton, polyester.

Womanspread M, 2016. Cotton, polyester.

  Despair L , 2016. Cotton, polyester.

Despair L, 2016. Cotton, polyester.

  Despair S , 2016. Cotton and polyester.

Despair S, 2016. Cotton and polyester.

 Installation view

Installation view

 Installation view

Installation view

  Crabwalk , 2016. Linen and stick.

Crabwalk, 2016. Linen and stick.

  Fifth Position , 2016. Linen and stick.

Fifth Position, 2016. Linen and stick.

  Womanspread M , 2016. Cotton, polyester.

Womanspread M, 2016. Cotton, polyester.

  Mania , 2016. Linen and stick.

Mania, 2016. Linen and stick.

  Despair L , 2016. Cotton and polyester.

Despair L, 2016. Cotton and polyester.

 Installation view

Installation view

 Installation view

Installation view

 Installation view

Installation view

  Staten Sunrise , 2015. Papier-mâché, twine, and acrylic paint.

Staten Sunrise, 2015. Papier-mâché, twine, and acrylic paint.

  Staten Sunrise ,  [pedestal]

Staten Sunrise, [pedestal]

  [pedestal] , 2017. PVC, wire, twine, epoxy clay, and paint. (detail)

[pedestal], 2017. PVC, wire, twine, epoxy clay, and paint. (detail)

  [pedestal]  (detail)

[pedestal] (detail)

  [pedestal]  (detail)

[pedestal] (detail)

 Installation view

Installation view

  Staten Sunrise  (detail)

Staten Sunrise (detail)

 Installation view

Installation view

  Manhattan psych from my window, night and day , 2017. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

Manhattan psych from my window, night and day, 2017. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

 Installation view

Installation view

 Installation view

Installation view

 Installation view

Installation view

  The Earth Herself is Tipsy , 2016-17. Marker on paper, seaweed, and wood.

The Earth Herself is Tipsy, 2016-17. Marker on paper, seaweed, and wood.

 Installation view

Installation view

 Installation view

Installation view

  Melfi’s piece  and  Manhattan psych from the mall , 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

Melfi’s piece and Manhattan psych from the mall, 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

 Installation view

Installation view

 Installation view

Installation view

 Installation view

Installation view

  Manhattan psych from the fence , 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

Manhattan psych from the fence, 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

 Installation view

Installation view

 Installation view

Installation view

  Womanspread S ,  Womanspread L

Womanspread S, Womanspread L

  Womanspread S ,  Womanspread L

Womanspread S, Womanspread L

  Womanspread L , 2016. Cotton and polyester.

Womanspread L, 2016. Cotton and polyester.

  Womanspread S , 2016. Cotton and polyester.

Womanspread S, 2016. Cotton and polyester.

  Lean Back , 2016. Linen and stick.

Lean Back, 2016. Linen and stick.

 Installation view

Installation view

 Installation view from  Pieces of Jennifer Melfi, M.D.  at Kimberly-Klark in Queens, New York. September 23 to October 22, 2017.
  Dignity , 2016-17. Papier-mâché, cardboard, wood, and twine.
  Dignity  (detail)
  Dignity  (detail)
  Dignity  (detail)
  Dignity  (detail)
  Dignity , 2016-17. Papier-mâché, cardboard, wood, and twine.
 Installation view
  Melfi’s Piece , 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.
  My Manhattan Psych , 2016. Cardboard, papier-mâché.
 Installation view
  Fifth Position , 2016. Linen and stick.
  Mania , 2016. Linen and stick.
  Mania , 2016. Linen and stick.
  Crabwalk , 2016. Linen and stick.
  Womanspread M , 2016. Cotton, polyester.
  Despair L , 2016. Cotton, polyester.
  Despair S , 2016. Cotton and polyester.
 Installation view
 Installation view
  Crabwalk , 2016. Linen and stick.
  Fifth Position , 2016. Linen and stick.
  Womanspread M , 2016. Cotton, polyester.
  Mania , 2016. Linen and stick.
  Despair L , 2016. Cotton and polyester.
 Installation view
 Installation view
 Installation view
  Staten Sunrise , 2015. Papier-mâché, twine, and acrylic paint.
  Staten Sunrise ,  [pedestal]
  [pedestal] , 2017. PVC, wire, twine, epoxy clay, and paint. (detail)
  [pedestal]  (detail)
  [pedestal]  (detail)
 Installation view
  Staten Sunrise  (detail)
 Installation view
  Manhattan psych from my window, night and day , 2017. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.
 Installation view
 Installation view
 Installation view
  The Earth Herself is Tipsy , 2016-17. Marker on paper, seaweed, and wood.
 Installation view
 Installation view
  Melfi’s piece  and  Manhattan psych from the mall , 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.
 Installation view
 Installation view
 Installation view
  Manhattan psych from the fence , 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.
 Installation view
 Installation view
  Womanspread S ,  Womanspread L
  Womanspread S ,  Womanspread L
  Womanspread L , 2016. Cotton and polyester.
  Womanspread S , 2016. Cotton and polyester.
  Lean Back , 2016. Linen and stick.
 Installation view

Installation view from Pieces of Jennifer Melfi, M.D. at Kimberly-Klark in Queens, New York. September 23 to October 22, 2017.

Dignity, 2016-17. Papier-mâché, cardboard, wood, and twine.

Dignity (detail)

Dignity (detail)

Dignity (detail)

Dignity (detail)

Dignity, 2016-17. Papier-mâché, cardboard, wood, and twine.

Installation view

Melfi’s Piece, 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

My Manhattan Psych, 2016. Cardboard, papier-mâché.

Installation view

Fifth Position, 2016. Linen and stick.

Mania, 2016. Linen and stick.

Mania, 2016. Linen and stick.

Crabwalk, 2016. Linen and stick.

Womanspread M, 2016. Cotton, polyester.

Despair L, 2016. Cotton, polyester.

Despair S, 2016. Cotton and polyester.

Installation view

Installation view

Crabwalk, 2016. Linen and stick.

Fifth Position, 2016. Linen and stick.

Womanspread M, 2016. Cotton, polyester.

Mania, 2016. Linen and stick.

Despair L, 2016. Cotton and polyester.

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Staten Sunrise, 2015. Papier-mâché, twine, and acrylic paint.

Staten Sunrise, [pedestal]

[pedestal], 2017. PVC, wire, twine, epoxy clay, and paint. (detail)

[pedestal] (detail)

[pedestal] (detail)

Installation view

Staten Sunrise (detail)

Installation view

Manhattan psych from my window, night and day, 2017. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

The Earth Herself is Tipsy, 2016-17. Marker on paper, seaweed, and wood.

Installation view

Installation view

Melfi’s piece and Manhattan psych from the mall, 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Manhattan psych from the fence, 2016. Hardware cloth, epoxy clay, wood, magnets, acrylic paint, and marker on paper.

Installation view

Installation view

Womanspread S, Womanspread L

Womanspread S, Womanspread L

Womanspread L, 2016. Cotton and polyester.

Womanspread S, 2016. Cotton and polyester.

Lean Back, 2016. Linen and stick.

Installation view

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